Do you know how you
self-sabotage in your business and how to heal it?

Discover your leading type with this six-minute quiz and
get The Self Sabotage Playbook; a forty page guide on the
eight types of self-sabotage with healing next steps,
gentle business strategies and much more!


 The Discover Your Self-Sabotage Type Quiz Will Help You:


Discover your dominant self-sabotaging type and how it operates in your business.


Offer you healing and gentle business strategies to begin your support journey.


Remind your inner child what they might need to hear the most to feel safe.


 After you take the quiz…

You’ll be brought straight to your result!

Plus you’ll receive The Self-Sabotage Playbook in your inbox - a forty-page
that goes over the eight types of self-sabotage in depth including
healing next steps and gentle business strategies for each.


 Take the quiz!

Let’s shift you from self-sabotage to
self-support so you can feel safe,
held and cared for.